That Pesky Face Weight

Across from the foot of my bed is a wavy-shaped, full-length mirror. It leans up against the wall, and every morning I’m looking back at myself as soon as I get up. I always find it interesting to see myself 1st thing in the morning in all my natural, unshowered glory. I glare at the mirror and study what I see, paying particular attention to my tummy and pecs. However, the area that catches my attention the most is my face. Not because I like to stare into my own eyes, but because that seems to be one area with some of the most stubborn fat. If you’ve ever had weight issues, then you know what I’m talking about.

Face Weight….yes, the chunky cheeks that come along with weight gain. That pesky face weight annoys me to no end. I’ve certainly gained weight over the last 3 years, although not to an unhealthy level thankfully. With all the constant traveling and sitting my last job required, weight gain was bound to happen to me. Honestly, I don’t totally mind my weight increase because I was too slim for a long time. However, I seem to gain weight disproportionately. I get bigger in my stomach, butt, and face yet nothing happens in my arms, leg, or feet. It’s so odd.

Now, I can deal with a gut. In fact, sometimes I like being pudgier. Who doesn’t love a dadbod??? (Not familiar with the dadbod…check out this article on Odyssey). However, I can’t get with the face weight. Yes…I know it’s what’s inside that counts, and I should be happy with myself regardless of my size, but I gotta keep it real. I’m just not all about that face bass :-/ No matter how much I’d like to convince myself.

Wikihow actually has a whole article on how to lose weight in your face. They even provide actual facial exercises. The exercises are quite amusing. For instance, there’s an exercise where you say the letters ‘X’ and ‘O’ over and over again. I tried it too. Can’t say I’m confident it will help, but what’s a few minutes of feeling and looking ridiculous if it’s gonna tone those cheeks đŸ™‚

It’s funny because my sister recently told me that my face looked slimmer in a recent selfie I took. I appreciated the compliment, however I did confess to her that these cheeks are still very much full. I’ve just learned how to work the camera. Lol. After about 8-10 snapshots, there’s usually at least one that flatters the face.

You know Wikihow also said that alcohol consumption can cause facial puffiness. Maybe that’s my culprit. Hmmmm…..cut out wine or live with a puffy face???? I guess I better get used to face weight. Lol!!

Do you wish you could lose some weight in your face? What are your thoughts on face weight? Toddley wants to know!

2 thoughts on “That Pesky Face Weight”

  1. I agree, A. People can be quite insensitive with their comments. Sometimes it’s even “friends” or family who are being the most hurtful. But we just gotta be strong and move on…..and cut the bad apples out of our life if need be.


  2. Actually having weight in my face doesn’t botter me, having it ALL OVER does! However, I can say even though I need to lose weight I accept my changes and haven’t gone into a deep depression about it. Unfortunately it’s others that try to make you become Debby downer with their rude and insensitive comments. If people knew my thoughts and I thought I could get away with completing them… WHEW! Anyway, all we can do is accept the changes and do our best to improve them for our health and self-satisfaction.


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